Contact Us

Contact Us
Phone: 615-637-7035 (Customer Service available Monday - Friday between 9am - 4pm CST)
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Greenhouse Location:
1527 Rutledge Way | Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Greenhouse is located behind the Tennessee Tool Works building.
Greenhouse Hours - Open to the Public: Due to many private events - we currently have limited hours we are open to the public.
- Monday - Call Ahead - By Appointment
- Tuesday- Call Ahead - By Appointment
- Wednesday - 8:30am - 2pm (closed between 11am-1pm). After 2pm - Call ahead.
- Thursday - 8:30am - 2pm (closed between 11am-1pm). After 2pm - Call ahead.
- Friday - 8:30am - 11am. After 11am - Call ahead.
- Saturday - By Appointment
Please note hours can change if we have an offsite event or private events.